
Okanagan Newspapers includes the 黑料社入口 Courier and Penticton Herald.

Just before 4 a.m. this morning (Feb. 16) the 黑料社入口 Regional Fire Dispatch Centre received multiple reports of a large pallet fire in the 1700 block of Springlfield Rd.

The first arriving officer requested two additional Engines and a Command unit.

As the Command unit was arriving on scene, a City worker alerted crews to a second fire on the other side of Springfield Rd.

RCMP and the City worker were able to knock down the second fire (a garbage can) with snow and fire extinguishers.

Fire crews completed extinguishment and ensured the fire had not extended into the nearby commercial building. There is some damage to the exterior of the building and crews ventilated the structure as smoke had migrated in through soffits.

The pallet fire turned out to be composite and wood building supplies. Crews are still on scene completing extinguishment. No structures were impacted.

There were no injuries to the public or firefighters at either fire.

Both fires are considered suspicious and are being investigated.

The 黑料社入口 Fire Department responded with three engines and a command unit including 13 fire personnel. RCMP were on scene assisting as well.