VANCOUVER - British Columbia is moving ahead with 13 new First Nations primary care centres in the province, with 10 scheduled to start operat…
VANCOUVER - The leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia says as premier his government would pay to send people outside the provi…
TORONTO - Ontario is looking to nearly double the number of publicly funded MRIs and CT scans offered through private clinics.
TORONTO - Preventing the poaching of staff is the top concern hospitals have about a new system of private clinics that will be used to cut th…
TORONTO - Ontario is expanding the private delivery of public health care by funding clinics to perform more cataract surgeries, MRI and CT sc…
TORONTO - A Toronto physiotherapist is facing charges after two youths were allegedly sexually assaulted during treatment sessions at centres …
Virtual-care clinics may be adding pressure to the overwhelmed health-care system, the Ontario Medical Association said Thursday, even as some…
TORONTO - A virtual care platform connecting patients with doctors in Ontario has cut back on services and seen a mass exodus of physicians af…
TORONTO - Ontario has asked thousands of family health-care workers to work evenings and weekends to help ease the burden on overwhelmed child…
MONTREAL - Quebec's health minister on Tuesday promised that his new three-point plan to ease emergency room overcrowding will show results in…